
The other day, a good friend of mine asked how I was doing with my recent major life transition—that is, going from the world of doctoring to being a stay-at-home mom.  She wasn’t alone in asking that question, because since making that decision, I’ve been asked quite frequently, in some form or other, if I’m […]

Pain and Peace: My Labor & Delivery Story

“I think my water broke.” I calmly told my husband as I came back into the room at 2 AM, that Tuesday morning. I was three days away from my due date and there was certainly no surprise that baby would be making his appearance any day now.  I had been having irregular Braxton-Hicks contractions […]

Big Belly, Big House pt. 2

“ARGHH!!” There I was, moaning in pain through each and every contraction, while all I heard in the background was the “BANG, BANG, BANG!” of our contractor’s hammer working away.  Strangely enough, it was music to my ears. In fact, I jokingly referred to it as the soundtrack for my labor. At that point, I […]

Big Belly, Big House, pt. 1

“You’re late this month babe. Are you sure you’re not pregnant?”, my husband asked with a concerned look on his face.  “Of course not. I’ve been late before,” I nonchalantly replied. And with that, I hurried off to class, one of the last few of my med school career.  As the days drew on, still […]

From Dr. Wife to Mrs. Mom

I recently quit my job…and by job, I mean residency.  As those in the field can attest, this isn’t something that happens often.  Once you start, it’s expected that you’ll finish, regardless of how difficult things get, and no matter the sacrifice.  Forums on the topic often advise residents considering the thought to “forget about […]

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Mrs. Mom Dr. Wife