Graduations and Invitations: Finally Together

College graduation weekend was truly bittersweet.

“I feel like I’m in a daze. I know I’m supposed to feel happy since it’s our graduation weekend, but all I feel is sadness,” I recounted to my then-boyfriend-now-hubby, as we sat on the couch in the boys’ dorm lobby.  “Yeah, after this, who knows when we’ll see each other again,” he said.  I still remember that conversation vividly.  It was our college graduation weekend, and all our friends and family had traveled from halfway across the country to celebrate, but we were in no mood to do any such thing.  We knew that once the weekend was over, it would be a long time before we saw each other again.  I would be off to Chicago for medical school, and he would be headed back home to New Jersey to look for a job, with the hope of eventually landing another in Chicago. That, however, didn’t happen for three years.

On the couch in the boy’s dorm lobby, after having that sobering conversation.

Those were three of the most trying years of our lives.  DJ literally searched and applied for hundreds of Chicago-based jobs, with no success.  We spent day after day praying, hoping, and crying for things to change.   In the meantime, we called each other daily, texted constantly, and visited the other every 1-2 months. Most importantly, we learned the meaning of praying without ceasing! Not a moment went by without that prayer being on our hearts.  Eventually, things did change.  DJ was offered a position at a company based in downtown Chicago, AND he was allowed to work from home.  How awesome was that ?!  Once I got the news about the job, I knew things would be changing soon.  Check out the proposal story in the video below!


Note about the video: This was actually our wedding invitation.  We thought it would be cool to share with guests a little bit about our story beforehand and figured the invitation was a great place to do that.  Hope you’ll enjoy!  Video credit: Andrew Thompson.


Interested in finding out how we met? Click here to read all about it.

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